Sunday, April 14, 2013

Me and My Loneliness, often talk

It was a pleasant Sunday evening in Chicago. The weather was forgiving enough to enjoy a cup of tea outside without having to wear extra layers of sweaters. The sun was setting amongst a variety of clouds in the west and the sun rays leaving the glass windows of skyscrapers a gleaming golden color. The soft undulations of the river, a gentle cool breeze and add to it some good old melodious Hindi songs. It was a perfect moment.

Alone as I stood enjoying the moment one thought led to another and I was amazed by a thought that no matter how many people you may be surrounded with friends,loved ones, relatives etc, there will always be moments you will be enjoying wishing if only you could share your state of mind with someone. But you cannot lend your eyes, your feelings to someone to share those moments exactly as you are experiencing it.

And that is the background behind my shot at poetry, which opens with the famous hindi song lines. (Thought they added the extra punch!)

I and My Loneliness, often talk
Useful, non-useful, essential or not
We talk truth, fact even crap of all sort
Me and my Loneliness often talk

Loneliness can be creative, imaginative and smart
Yet sometimes plain stupid, dull and drab
At his worst can be destructive, dangerous and sad
Despite his moods and nuances, Me and my loneliness often talk

When we talk, I am unaware where to we walk
He may take me to light and happiness or sorrow and dark
I don’t know how but I lose a lot of myself, when we are far apart
Yet no matter how much I try he’s always back; me and my Loneliness often talk

As moody as his behavior so is his sight
He may leave me be alone or sit besides me in a crowd
Should I call him a friend or foe or my reflection of some sort
Even this we discussed today as me and my Loneliness often talk

I may thank him for his useful insights
Or I may yell at him for his bad advice
I may cherish his company or want to kill him at sight
But as long as I exist, me and my loneliness will always talk.